For my first writing project, I submit My Weed Book, the inspiration for this blog. With entries detailing my previous existence in Broken Bow, I explore the effects of weed and the behavior of similarly near-homeless people I interacted with.
I want to explore my fascination with Phil Dick in future entries. While I view him as the greatest American author of the 20th Century, I study him and particularly his Exegesis, learning insights into his personality. His style is quintessential to my growing art form.
Phil Dick was a “graphomaniac” meaning his abilities included writing very quickly for long periods of time. This made him a prolific writer. In FunHub, I hope to mimic his graphomania and write as much as humanly possible. This section, “Artist,” won’t include any AI generated content, but the section titled “Code” will. “Learn” may be a mix of real writing from me and AI content.
I’ll be exploring my theories on biology, religion, and science. I hope to create a hub of speculative content on the nature of life on earth, and the mysteries of the universe. I want it to be a sounding board for my imagination and a representation of my creativity. I hope to share my emotions with these works, characterizing my own soul in the process. I want to talk about the things I love, and share the deep meaning my life has for me.
I’m an agnostic, with a propensity to believe in God. I want this place to be the foundation of that core belief. I won’t hesitate to share my deepest thoughts, and I will always maintain honesty and integrity in the things I share. I won’t feel censored, or even hold back anything I want to say about any topic. The blank canvas is waiting.
These are my stories posted on X (Twitter). They seem to scale upwards, exploring common themes like culture and progress. They’re mostly fantasy or science fiction. I want these stories to continue to grow as I post to my audience on the X platform. I barely get any impressions or likes, comments but I have them posted for the occasional person to see.
This format is my preferred way of writing, entries that successively build upon each other. Expect to see more content in this layout. I want to write flash fiction stories like these in the future. I also want journals, books, papers, and philosophy, science, theology works published on FunHub. It’s up to me to keep writing, and as this site grows I’ll update the layout of the pages to include my new stories.
I want to explore my ideas about the evolution of the human body, our remarkable brains, and our amazing ability to technologically adapt. We are in a revolutionary time where our progress is quite rapid. With my philosophy in mind, I want to become a “thoughtfluencer,” encouraging thinkers to question the norms and express themselves to achieve their highest potential. I want to impact the world through my writing.
I want to be completely honest about my feelings, to give credo to the things I write. I’ll never imagine something false to share with the world with the intention to lie. While I may broach subjects that seem unbelievable, I do it with full transparency. I don’t know if the things I say are true, I merely wonder at the truth. I think we are at the cusp of something great in humanity, and I hope I can find out what it is.
Like Phil Dick, I want to be a voice of the century, who shares his inner world without shame. Some of what I post on FunHub will seem schizophrenic, or delusional, but I understand the nature of wisdom to be that we must always assume we are probably wrong. This is what I actually believe. I want to influence the world, but I do not want to bend it to my will. Hopefully I have something great to contribute.
My next book project, concurrent with My Weed Book, is Delilah 2025, a novel of fantasy and modernity. It will feature ten chapters, and take place during the span of one day and the next morning. I will explore themes of family, mental health, and mysticism, as the main character experiences waking dreams that span the cosmos.
I plan to implement motifs into each chapter, by implementing stylistic choices that repeat themselves and change over time, such as the use of colors or specific people in my life as a reference frame. While it’s not autobiographical, I hope to express my personality to the fullest. I want to show my great hopes for the future, my commanding creativity in solving problems, my strength of character in the face of adversity, and describe all the things in my life that I treasure most.
I haven’t started writing it, but I’ve put the page up for now, to be updated later. I’ve said anyone can write a book in 15 days, as Andy Warhol said everyone will be famous for fifteen minutes. A single book might have 50,000 words, which would be less than 5,000 words a day. My pace is around 5,000 words a day, so you could assume that I have this book ready in 15 writing workdays. I procrastinate, however, and some days write very little, waiting for the perfect mindset to write. I hope to overcome this soon.
I think the book should be written before the end of 2025, being the book is set during 2025. That means, I only have to write 15 days out of the next 365, and I think that’s doable. Look forward to the book being updated at that link.
I need a place to post what is simply flash fiction. My favorite form of art, flash fiction are short stories that are even shorter than usual. They help me convey ideas succinctly, and adapt well to internet audiences, whose attention spans are more limited. I like to expand the scope of my flash fiction to enormous proportions, and challenge the everyday with much grandiosity. Sometimes, prompts help to write your own flash fiction, but I’ve practiced enough I can effectively write my own prompts.
You’ll notice a lot of my flash fictions end on a note where they begin. I learned this from studying novels, the best of which cover their theme from start to finish. I like to loop back to the beginning for dramatic effect. I will also include comedic drama draped upon the science fiction plot. I like to show my sense of humor.
Flash fiction is a great way for me to show my writing skill. I can create intriguing premises that explore my imaginative side. The drama of my stories often elicits a reaction of some kind. Readers seem to like my flash fiction best. My book is full of flash fiction, and I’ve written hundreds of them as an adult. My pace is higher when writing flash fiction, because it seems obvious where to go, what to write. And I can express my greatest ideas through a simple, short flash.
Click here to see the Copypasta Publishing (FunHub) page for my new books. Check back here often to become a beta reader. Updated daily with works-in-progress. New books are published in April and October on Kindle. My pace has been rather slow. I’m improving through daily practice. It seems with the help of AI I’m able to work out how to write new genres and styles. AI is proving to be a powerful tool to help me with content creation.
AI is now capable of creative writing of a high quality, and I find it fascinating. The stories and responses are fun to read, and trying to extricate the best story from a prompt is a fun challenge. I have been creating a list of AI writing which you can visit here. You can visit the second page of AI-generated stories at this link: AI Stories.